Thursday, September 6, 2007

The dreaded synopsis.


I've been working away at it. I wrote my short summary, teaser. Then a bigger one with a bit more info. Now I'm onto the "Big One".

I wrote *by hand* my 1st draft while away this past weekend. Fuck did I ever miss my keyboard, I kept wanting to backspace, and cut and paste, and move shit all over, but what I ended up with, was a scribbled mess that even I was lucky if I could decipher it. So I rewrote it so it would be legible in capitol letters, knowing I didn't want to have to fuck with each sentence for hours, once I began typing it into a new document when I got home.

But I'm fucking with it anyway! The 1st 2 pages has become 3. I don't want to push it to 10, so I'd better get less descriptive. But how do you do that without making it boring. Arrrrgggg.

Ye Frikkin Haw!

So how was your day?

1 comment:

Sommer Marsden said...

Now look what you did! You said 'synopsis' and I broke out into a cold sweat. Oh...I feel your pain. I truly do. Head down, soldier on, you can do it!